Monday 27 June 2011

Post 4, Just to notify you

Date: Monday, 27/6/11
Time: 7:44pm
My Mood: tired, excited
At the momment I'm: packing my bags & listening to music
Hey there followers, just wanted to notify you that I'm leaving for Greece tomorrow. I'll try and write another post befor I leave for the airport. I probably won't be able to post as frequently since I'm trying to close off everyone for a while to clear my head and mend my heart if possible. That means staying away from internet connections, leaving my phone behind etc etc. In any case I'll post as often as I can.
But the real reason I wanted to write this post was to say a massive whole hearted thank you to Idina! For those of you who haven't already, check out her blog and I promise you won't regret it! I just noticed her comment on my first post and I was touched. Then, as if those kind words weren't enough, she wrote a post with the subject of my blog! Thank you so much Idina! And I'm so sorry I couldn't comment on your post, my computer didn't let me for some reason. Hope you got the comment from Elven though, even though she commented on the wrong post but anyway it got the message across. Glad to have inspired you. I believe you are very talented and bright. I loved your first post and the analysis of the term philophobic. Good luck with your blog (and evolution). I support both 100%! Best of luck. Love&Light to you as well.
To the rest of you, step one to my overseas recovery: Deleted all depressing songs off my iPod and phone and added these:
This is War -30 Seconds to Mars
Till the World Ends -Brittney Spears
Stuck In The Moment -Justin Bieber (Love the lyrics on this one, only jb song I have coz the rest are real lovey dovey. This one is too but still)
Suddenly I see -KT Tunstall (LOVE THIS <3 old but amazing)
Round and Round -Selena Gomez
Till next time
Philophobic girl
P.s sorry this post wasnt as good as the others. I'm dead tired. xxx

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much! I sent you a message, but im not sure if it sent it to your account on here, or on your email, either way i hope you get it. Have fun in Greece :)
