Saturday 25 June 2011

Post 2b, Just Dreams. They will never be more than that -Drama 4

Date: Saturday, 25/6/11
Time: 6:54pm
My Mood: tired, sick, uneasy, bleh
At the momment I'm: listening to music, writing this, and sneezing non stop due to allergies...lucky me

Ok people. I've decided to go backwards, so from Drama 4 to Drama 1. So here's the situation:
I'm in the typical cliché teen girl situation; I'm head over heels for a guy that doesn't and will never think of me in that way. He's a really good friend of mine, I've liked him for about a month and a half now. We talk practically on a daily basis. It's good. I'm happy about that. He's a great guy. Perfect. And its better to be friends than nothing right? So I guess it's all good. Thing is it just cuts me that when we hug he will never feel the rush of butterflies. He'll never realise that I lose my breath whenever I see him, so much talk as to him. He knows I like him though. He just doesn't know how much. (yes, I am very aware of the cheesy nature of those last sentances). And after tomorrow, I won't see him, speak to him, hear from him, for 5 weeks. You may think that it gives me a chance to forget about him. But you don't know him. It's impossible to forget him. It's like he's permenantly etched into my mind. Face, voice, smell, touch everything. He makes me laugh so much. When I'm with him it's so natural and comfortable (dispite my lack of breath due to awe). So there you go. Head over heels but not doing anything about it becasuat I dont know what to do about it. I'm sure im not the only girl that feels like this.

Another major dilemma at the moment. A really great guy likes me and I can't say yes to him because of 1. my philophobia and 2. Im already head over heels for the guy mentioned in the last paragraph. I know he's going to read this and I want to say that I'm so sorry for everything I have put him through. He is a truely amazing guy and I am lucky to have him in my life. I'm sorry that it's not working out at this present moment but who knows what the future holds? Thank you for seeing me and liking me just the way I am. You're forever in my heart and till I get everything sorted out, Im sorry again

Till next time
Philophobic girl

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