Monday 11 July 2011

Post 5, It's been a while

Date: Monday, 11/7/11
Time: (home) 4:20 am, (Greece) 9:22pm
My Mood: relaxed, somewhat happy but also pissed off
At the momment I'm: sitting on the couch of my cousins' house on an island of the coast of Greece....and its 9:22pm....and, the sun is still up.
So, everyday I've been hitting the beach, catching up on some reading (Im out of books to read, grrr), going to bar/clubs with my cousin and his university friends and running around in the village with some friends i had met in 2008. Yea, life is good, watch me jinx it. My cousin who's 18 came to the island we're in now afew days after we arrived. He's studying at a university in Thessaloniki. His brother is the closest thing I have to a brother. I love him so much. Hes 21 turning 22. Hes studying in university in Athens so he only come down on weekends. I havent seen him for a day and i miss him so much...imagine me going back home and not seeing him for i dont know, a year? Three years? God knows how long! Just the thought of it rips me appart.
To my mood, im pissed because my sister has been seeing how close ive gotten to my 18 year old cousin and is trying to get all his attention, wow, real mature for a 21 year old university student. And now theyre sitting on the couch, its boiling hot and shes leaning on him. Shes ticked me off afew times on this trip.
One thing about being Philophobic, I think im even scared of loving someone as a friend or brother. My cousins, friends and I have become so close these past weeks I'm scared of losing them a well. Its gong to be so hard leaving here.
Sorry this post isnt very good, im in a rush. We're off to a tavern. Oh look! My sister got two distinctions...again. Another thing to make me inferior to her. Great.
Off to my slow death
Till next time
Philophobic girl